Thursday 11 September 2014

Eminem - Not Afraid

  • uses a variation of shot types
  • The song and music video narrates his journey into recovery and sobriety. Eminem is shows to not be afraid to take a stand and face his demons, as this video represents him gaining strength (ability to fly) from his weakness.
  • Eminem also takes a literal meaning with the lyrics when presented in the music video. For example when he raps '..look down on me..' the camera shows him from an high angle looking as if he's about to jump off the ledge. "and to the fans, i'll never let you down again i'm back', he walks into a busy road narrowly avoiding collisions with cars and buses symbolizing how he won't let anything stop him or get in his way.
  • There are also a lot of mirror shots. When Eminem looks into the mirror, he sees his reflection as a distorted face which connotes to him having to face his demons every day and that they are there. He eventually breaks the mirror showing his new found strength.
  • This music video also features a lot product placement especially from Nike. Artists use product placement as another means of gaining profit.

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