Tuesday 9 September 2014

Iggy Azalea Ft. Rita Ora - Black Widow

  • There is an introduction before the actual music begins, which introduces the narrative of the music video.
  • This music video is inspired by Quentin Tarantino's 2003 hit film 'Kill Bill'. The plot of the film is centred around 'The Bride' (Uma Thurman) a former assassin who seeks revenge on her ex-colleagues who massacred members of her wedding party and tried to kill her. 
  • Iggy Azalea has taken inspiration from classic cult films in her last two music videos, the previous being in her song 'Fancy' which was inspired by 1995 film 'Clueless;
  • This music video portrays women in a dominant role rather than submissive. Due to Iggy Azalea being a female rapper, she uses this to show women in authoritative role unlike male rappers who usually women to be their 'property'. 
  • The music video uses a variation of locations, which makes it appealing to the viewer to watch.
  • Due to the music video being inspired by 'Kill Bill' they matched the clothing, a part of mise-en-scene, to the outfits that Uma Thurman's character wore herself.
  • However, Rita Ora was given a bad wig which makes it appear fake so will not display verisimilitude to the viewer.    
  • The music video is not editing to the beat, at one section of the music video the artists are seen the be in slow motion during a fight scene however the beat is fast and should have been edited according to it. 

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